Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Well, since some time ago, I've acknowledged the existence of Global Warming through a passage in newspaper. However, it didn't actually grab my full attention. So I just simply went through that.

When I was told about my 1st assignment in class, it once again reminded me about this topic. So, I decided to surf the internet. Surprisingly, now only i know how serious global warming is. Some said, it might be one of the main factor to bring human being to the end of the world. Scary huh ?
In order to remind myself how serious it actually is, I am gonna make an awesome sketching about it, but before that, I've downloaded some samples from the google.


SreeMadappalli said...

Ah this is a pretty cool post :)
I haven't quite gotten the full reality check or wake up call on global warming, but your post definitely opened my eyes a little more.

What's up :)


JueJin said...

Wow, a comment in my blog ? Syok gila~ =P